After reading all of the steps and warnings, you probably are asking yourself "Is this even where I want to be"?  The answer to that question in and of itself is a part of taking a step in this revelation.  It is not a group or a Church or a Religion, it is a "Bloodline".  It is "Your" bloodline, so even if you are like Lisa and I, off to yourselves, how do you deny the bloodline?  Really, you know you have uncles that have been ready to get down and knock out all that "Pisseth on the Wall" (King David, 1 Samuel 25:22, 25:34).  "Throw that heffa down and I'm going to ride my horse over her" (King Jehu, 2 Kings 9:33-35).  Number the streets Brothers.. We about to lay Egypt to waste (Yahudah or Judah, Book of Jashar 54 *That's a good read!).   And don't forget about the blessed bird, Fried Chicken (Leviticus 2:7-8 *This is  more of an funny coincidence).  These were "Our" people!  That's funny, but the it gets darker.  Remember what you read in Deuteronomy 28?  That is all real and with us today.  Understand that there is "Israel" and there are the "Redeemed" of Israel or the "Remnant".  This "Remnant" is small and is not going to be the common Israelite.  So the final step outside of what we've run through above is to build a sound foundation in the basics of being a "Redeemed" Israelite.  You need to select a grounded teacher to do this.

I was exposed to the truth in 2008, right around the election. I can remember when I committed squarely into this truth in 2010 (note that it took some time). I had been searching for the "Truth" of our history here and was not at all expecting to find our Hebrew Heritage. That search took me through American History and then Egyptology, but from the context of the Christian Church. The Holy Scriptures have always had the ring of a historical document, but it just didn't flow like a narrative, sequential history that was taught in the schools. Street Preachers caught my attention and planted seeds in my mind about who we are, but there was no "Love" in how they spoke. The aggression did not feel as though it was of The MOST HIGH. So I searched on my own.

That search resulted in a video that put what I'd studied and what was in my spirit all together. The video, "Hebrew or the So-Called Negro" confirmed all that I'd began to suspect and affirmed my want to learn more. More than this, it was delivered with a level of "Love" that I had not experienced anywhere, not even in the Church. I searched out the creator of the video, Brother Yahya Bandele and began to participate with his group, The COFAH Network. Brother Yahya's heart was invested in this truth and also building relationships among the brethren. He taught me that this is a walk that is built on the "Love" of our FATHER, YaHuWaH and showed me that that destination that I'd been looking for all my life was to be back in the Garden, with our FATHER, in the cool of the day and that we are HIS "Sons". He showed us that "We" are the "Siblings" of the MessiYAH Himself. He showed me that the kingdom we represent as "Princes" (Nassi'im) is a kingdom of the "Spirit".  He showed us all that "Salvation" was not dependent on the blood, race or lineage, but in having a right spirit.  He taught us that the "Ministry" was given to the seed of Yahcob (Jacob), which differs from salvation. He also taught us that it was not he who taught us, but the "Spirit" that our FATHER placed into him. He taught us all of this and so much more.  He did this by hosting weekly broadcasts and also offered paid training, which my family and I took and as a result, we learned more in that time than in 10 years with the Christian Church.  I became a part of the COFAH Network and enlisted in the TEAM (Training Evangelists for Apocalyptic Ministry) Program.

Our Dear Brother passed on and the COFAH ministry changed its focus from outreach to the masses, to continually working with and preparing those Brothers that walked with the ministry through its outreach period. YHWH's Light Ministries was birthed with this background.

In 2022, "Everything" changed....

For more information, contact us! Shalom.